Subject 14 – Delicious

This was a suggestion of one of the participants and I think it should be a one everyone can achieve and come up with something creative.  Hopefully when the submissions come in they make everyones mouths water.

So this weeks assignment is “Delicious”.  Please have your photos submitted by the 13th May. Good luck!

© Fritz Cardozo

Lonely Results

This assignment really called for some thought and I think the people that submitted did an outstanding job in meeting the brief.  Thanks to everyone that submitted a photo.  Here are the results!

BJ - Lonely

UG - "Played with pixelmator on this one.Don't know if I got what I wanted out of it. Thoughtful and lonley seem very close."

JB - Lonely

GA - Lonely

Subject 12 – Lonely

This assignment is a suggestion of a participant and I think it will be one to give a bit of thought to before getting out there.  It is one thing to take a photo but quite another to try and capture an emotion.

Hopefully everyone will step out of their comfort zones on this one and try and capture this powerful emotion.

Given we are coming up to Easter and people will be on holiday etc I thought I would extend the deadline on this assignment by an extra week.  So that means submissions will need to be in by the 15th April.

Good luck and Happy Easter!

© Fritz Cardozo



Subject 11 – Macro

Firstly, my apologies for the delayed assignment. I was meant to post this last night but work got in the work unfortunately.

The new assignment is “Macro”.  This is quite an open category and could be anything related to bugs, flowers, objects, textures or anything else you can get up close to.  Please have your photos in by the 25th March via the usual links provided.

Good luck!

Flowers - © Fritz Cardozo

Shadow Results

Well its time to showcase the results of the last assignment.  We have had new entrant too which is always great. Some great images submitted as always and here they are.

BJ - Shadow

UG - Shadow

PS - Shadows & Colour

AC - Busy wasps - until the sun goes down

JB - A photographers self portrait

FC - Chasing shadows...

Subject 10 – Shadow

We have reached our 10th assignment!  I’m glad we still have people joining in.  I know it seems to be a busy time for everyone and its appreciated when people make the time to take photos for the assignments.

The 10th assignment is “Shadow”.  I hope this assignment will have me really trying to take notice of the light and shadows.  After all that is what photography is all about!  I look forward to seeing everyone’s interpretation of this subject.

Please have your photos submitted by the 11th March.  Good luck!
